
About 501st Legion Costumes...

Our costumes are, obviously, a huge part of what we do. We are very proud of the high level of screen accuracy to which we keep.

For a full list of all characters currently established in the 501st Legion membership database, please visit the 501st Databank. The Costume Reference Library (CRL) is a compilation of all visual guides of all costumes that have been used to join the 501st Legion.

Within each of these guides, there are multiple tiers used to describe the requirements for various levels of costuming excellence. The base tiers are the minimum basic standards (requirements) your costume must comply with in order to have it approved for 501st membership.

The additional tiers, which you DO NOT have to achieve to have your costume approved, correspond to the Detachment Standards - a completely voluntary program that recognizes members that go above and beyond the basic requirements when building their costume and meet the criteria of these advanced standards. For more information, visit the detachment that supports the costume you are building.

(You do not submit your costume to the detachment in order to join the 501st; you submit it to Garrison Excelsior's appointed membership liaison to judge for membership approval)
There is no single place to buy a "501st Approved" costume - your helmet may come from England, bodysuit from Argentina, accessories from Germany, cape-set from Canada... - and pieces of your costume may need to be fitted to your own body-type. Before buying anything, you may want to read over these tips (these could save you both time and money):

  • Join the detachment forum to have access to very helpful and insightful information.
  • Once there, introduce yourself and ask questions if you have them.
  • Join Garrison Excelsior's forum and Excelsior Academy Facebook page.
  • Introduce yourself and let others know the character you have chosen to build (there may be a local member available to help).
  • Research your costume extensively (review other member's builds and scenes from the movie) before buying anything.
  • Read and review the applicable guide(s) in the CRL.
  • If you're unsure of the quality of an item or vendor, ask your detachment or other members before purchasing.
  • Remember: sellers (mainly on, but not limited to, eBay) are just looking to sell their product(s). Just because they say something is "501st approved" doesn't necessarily mean that it is. There are no parts that will get your costume approved as all costumes are judged by their overall appearance. Again, if you're unsure, ask before you buy anything.

The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups.
Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.