
Organizational Chart

From the Legion Commanding Officer to the Enlistee, every active Legion member plays an integral role in the 501st Legion. The administrative and command positions outlined in the 501st Legion Charter are presented here in a visual format to aid in understanding how our international group functions.

Organizational Chart
Click here to open the 501st Legion Organizational Chart in a new browser window.

Legion Roles and Definitions At-A-Glance

Legion Level Staff
LCO: Legion Commanding Officer Serves as the chief policy-maker and administrator for the 501st Legion.
LXO: Legion Executive Officer Assists the LCO with duties as needed.
COG: Captain of the Guard Resolves internal disputes, moderates the Legion message forums, and oversees polls and elections.
LMO: Legion Membership Officer Reviews all costumes for eligibility.
MBO: Merchandise and Branding Officer Reviews all 501st merchandise for consistency and appropriateness.
PRO: Legion Public Relations Officer Serves as the Legion advocate for public relations.
LWM: Legion Webmaster Content manager for 501st.com and Legion message forums.
Garrison/Outpost Level Staff
CO: Commanding Officer or OL: Outpost Leader Serves as the chief policy-maker and administrator for the local unit of the 501st Legion.
XO: Executive Officer or Outpost Second Assists CO or OL with duties as needed.
GML: Garrison Membership Liason
Facilitates regional membership requests and maintains local unit member profiles.
GWL: Garrison Web Liaison Primarily responsible for obtaining and formatting local unit member photos.
GPR: Garrison Public Relations Officer Serves as the Garrison or Outpost advocate for public relations.
DL: Detachment Leader Serves to represent and coordinate Detachments.

Please refer to the 501st Legion Charter for more complete definitions and roles.

The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups.
Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.